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Laundry Services

We provide complimentary laundry facilities in each of our residence halls as well as our apartment complex for students living with us in one of those facilities. 

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Laundry room in one of the residence halls

Speed Queen Wash Alerts 

 Save yourself some time before heading to the laundry room.
UNC’s laundry rooms have Speed Queen Wash Alert so you can check availability and status and receive end-of-cycle alerts

  • Steps
    1. Download the Speed Queen app from Apple App Store or Google Play.
    2. Select Sign Up or Log In and follow the steps to set up your Speed Queen Laundry Account. HRE suggests using your BearMail.
    3. Enter the verification code UNORCO
    4. Locate your laundry room by building and further by floor if needed. 
    5. You can choose to allow notifications via text, e-mail or push to get a reminder of cycle completion.
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